I remember the night James Brown was inducted into the Rock n Roll hall of fame. I have never, in my life, seen anybody so thuroughly steal a show. From the time he came onstage it was his. I couldn't even tell you who else was there that night.
I remember him though. He was wearing a pastel green three piece suit that fit like a glove. He had the smile on his face that only a selfmade man, in triumph,knows. Not arrogant, proud. The pride of accomplishment. He knew who he was, and what he was. The hardest working man in show business. Mr. Dynomite. The godfather of soul. Soul brother number one.
Born In poverty James Brown knew hard work, and adversity from day one. He rose from menial labor, and prison to become a driving force, and a shining roll model At a time in music when drug abuse, and antisocial behavior were the status quo. Always telling kids to stay in school. Stay off the street, and away from drugs. The night Martin Luther King was killed James Brown spoke to black America, and a fuse was exstinguished on a powder keg of potential violence across this country. He had power and influnce, and he knew it. He never missed an oppertunity to use it. And it was always positive.
After his induction, and electrifying performance He left the stage to a thundering standing ovation. The entire hall on it's feet. His band struck up his trademark theme music as the cameras followed him offstage.They wouldn't stop. They whistled, they cheered,they screamed, and the applause thundered.
There was one camera man right in front of the man, camera low,aiming up, making him look 10 feet tall as he threaded his way through the backstage corridors. His back up singers, and band members began to chant, and clap. CLAP CLAP..JAMES BROWN! CLAP CLAP..JAMES BROWN ! CLAP CLAP..JAMES BROWN! The entire house took it up. CLAP CLAP..JAMES BROWN! CLAP CLAP..JAMES BROWN!
I've never seen a more serene, yet satisfied smile. His eyes sparkled with tears. He spoke to people, waved, talked to his entourage, and in the back ground you could hear them. CLAP CLAP..JAMES BROWN! CLAP CLAP JAMES BROWN! All the way outside you could hear them, as he climbed into his limosine, and sped into the Ohio night...Show over. fini
James Brown struggled, fell from grace, and returned in the late 80s, and 90s. He overcame again. He returned to his place as one of the most positive roll models in show business. He died on December 25, 2006....CLAP CLAP..JAMES BROWN! CLAP CLAP..JAMES BROWN.....