Change is part of life I except that. In the last couple of years though I've had enough "change"to last a lifetime. I was a happy daddy with two beautifull girls.I had a good steady income from CGC. I've had a home with my sister, and bro in law for a decade. I was a Pentacostal Christian on fire for God, and a member of the local jail ministry. Now I have lost both daughters. Been told I am no longer welcome here in this house. I've worked maybe eight days since New Years. I've missed church for almost a year, and I've been in jail (For getting behind on Kacy's court costs n fines.) I was reeling like a losing boxer. I felt totally adrift. No foundation. Nothing to stand on. No reference point. Totally lost. I got a call from Kacy recently telling me I needed to call Roy Cannon. I need to get back in church. I made the phone call.
Surprise. I have a reference point. A "solid rock" foundation. I was never lost. God knew exactly where I was. And true to his word (if we reach out to him he reaches out to us) after three wonderfull church services I am no longer afraid. I . am no longer feeling alone. And though change is all around me right now I know that The Lord is the same.."yesterday today, and tomorrow."