This Album had many "firsts" It was the first album to have the lyrics printed on the cover.It was also one of the first to open like a book. (In the industry called a gate-fold cover.) It was the first album to have other than a plain inner bag for the lp, it had this card of cut-outs in the sleeve with the album. I still have it.(In the album cover ofcourse .) I remember discovering the Sgt Pepper cut-outs in the window of a building here in Cookeville during a "spy mission" with my friend Larry Poteet. We had taken the bus here from Monterey to see the latest Bond movie, at the time, Thunderrball.
BEING FOR THE BENIFIT OF MR. KITE- Written, and sung by John. Recording in studio 2 at Abby road started on Febuary 17, 1967, and the lp version was mixed from the 9th take. The song was taken almost word for word from a circus handbill John had found. When explaining the sound he was after to producer sir George Martin, John said "I want to be able to smell the sawdust." A reference to oldtime Circuses. The atmosphere Martin created in this song is nothing short of incredible, with swirling calliope, a full omp-pah-pah style orchastra, and errie echo effects. I love to play this song by Jack-o-lantern light, on halloween.
WITHIN YOU WITHOUT YOU-Written, and sung by George. recording begining in studio 2 on March 22, 1967. Another of his forrays into Indian style music. He plays acoustic guitar, and sitar on the song, backed by a group of London based, Indian musicians. This is a beautiful song. Rich with complex rythums, and layers of soaring, weaving sounds, topped with George's hypnotic vocal treatment. The lyrics are as true today as the day he wrote them...WHEN YOU SEE BEYOND YOURSELF-THEN YOU MAY FIND,PEACE OF MIND,AND THE TIME WILL COME WHEN YOU SEE WE'RE ALL ONE, AND LIFE FLOWS ON WITHIN YOU AND WITHOUT YOU.
WHEN I'M SIXTY-FOUR-Written, and sung by Paul, recording began in studio 2, at Abbey road on December 6, 1966. Another whimsical show tune. Nice work on drums by Ringo with all the stops, and starts. And,ahh! The clarinets,and that bell! The song is clasic Paul McCartney. Slice of life story telling, like Ellenor Rigby, and Penny Lane, full of detailed scenes, and Characters...EVERY SUMMER WE CAN RENT A COTTAGE IN THE ISLE OF WRIGHT, IF IT'S NOT TOO DEAR. WE SHALL SCRIMP, AND SAVE.
Will you still need me?..Will you still feed me? When I'm sixtey-four? I know Linda would have, God rest her soul...