click this..then read...
A friend of mine recently posted on his facebook page that he wanted to impeach Obama, and all the other democrooks...democrooks was the straw that broke the camel's back. I have had enough.
I have, for the most part, put up with the strident wail, and knashing of teeth from the republicans since losing the presidency, but geese louise!! I have NEVER seen such political sourgrapes in my life! "It's time to take back America!" From who you blockheads? That pesky majority that voted you out of office? Every time I turn on my tv or cpu some conservative sourpuss is ranting like a lunatic, and name calling over something. Between that blowhard egomaniac Limbaugh, and his muckraking bookend Glen Beck, you would think that somehow the democrats had conspired, and stole the election. (Oh wait a minute..that was "Jeb n Dubbya" in Florida a few years ago, wasn't it?)
The ink hadn't even dried on the inauguration papers when the mud slinging, and name calling began. I SWEAR i haven't seen the republicans this stirred up since..oh yeah the last time they lost the white house. (i'm sure that was a conspiracy then too. It couldn't have been that the people had actually spoken.) But I digress. My point is though that the political bile has never ceased. They sit there in Washington with their hands folded blocking EVERYTHING, and then accuse Obama of not getting anything done. They try to turn the oil spill into some sort of failing of his. And the incessant name calling..MY GOD! Would you people listen to yourselves? He's a socialist ! He's a Muslim! He is the anti-christ! (THE ANTI-CHRIST??!!) I think you all, as a party, should take a valium. sit down. Take a deep breath. and move on. You lost. There is another election coming.
And in the mean time know this. Just because you vote pro life, and anti gay does not mean you are moral. I AM SICK TO DEATH OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY BEING BLANKETLY GIVEN THE MORAL HIGH GROUND ON TWO ISSUES! It is crap people. So I noted a couple of exceptions to the rule here..
RUSH LIMBAUGH...After preaching against drugs, and drug users for decades he got busted with enough schedule 1 narcotics to start his own pharmacy! To quote from a press article of the time.."he received about 2,000 painkillers, prescribed by four doctors in six months, at a pharmacy near his Palm Beach mansion. " 2000! Do you know what would happen to an average joe caught with that many pills? I'll tell you. They would be charged with distributing, and thrown in prison. Did this happen to Rush? No. He made a deal, some money changed hands, and he was back on the radio as the point man for the moral athority. And all his loyal fans said...aaawww Poor Rush..He was sick. Let's pray for him.
Ronald Reagan....The Holy Grail of Republican virtue...was up to his neck in the Iran-Contra scandal.....
An August, 1996, series in the San Jose Mercury News by reporter Gary Webb linked the origins of crack cocaine in California to the contras, a guerrilla force backed by the Reagan administration that attacked Nicaragua's Sandinista government during the 1980s. Webb's series, "The Dark Alliance," has been the subject of intense media debate, and has focused attention on a foreign policy drug scandal that leaves many questions unanswered.
Newt Gringrich...One of the loudest finger pointers in decades...has a string of ethic, and moral short coming to answer to on judgement day....
I could go on. There is PLENTY MORE.
"Enron contributed $736,800 to George W. Bush over the past eight years, his single largest contributor. Many are looking for a smoking gun that will link Enron, directly, to specific favors. They want to see what specific decisions Enron bought. It is possible that such decisions will be uncovered, the evidence supplied."
The day..THE VERY DAY This story broke..The shredding, and burning (which was allowed somehow to continue) and shredding of documents began at Enron.
As any open minded person can clearly see there is PLENTY of mud to sling at those republican halos.So don't come at me wrapped in the flag with a bible in one hand, and preach to me about the moral giants of the republican party. I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT. The wheeling, and dealing begins at the local level, and by the time they reach the federal level they have scratched so many backs, and slept with so many lobyists, their isn't a clean hand among them. DEMOCRAT..REPUBLICAN..KLINGON..whatever.....