What do they mean? Are they guides, or predictors? Are they just random images? Our subconsciense replaying old memories, and plugging in new information, in a symphoney of impossibilities. Your grandmother, and the astronauts, going bowling, at your church....
I was at a house I've never seen before in real life, with a couple I've never met. In this dream they were my Grandmother, and Grandfather, and I loved them in that childlike way, reserved only for grandparents. I was blissfully happy, safe, content. There is no joy like the joy of a dream.I,think perhaps because it is the joy of wish fullfillment.
I was in their front yard. It was dark.(In the back of my mind I reconized the front yard of my Aunt Goldie's in Monterey) Grandfather was with me, and I was astride an inflateable motorcycle. (you just can't make this kinda stuff up when your awake) I pulled the inflator handles on each side of the bike (just like the pull strings on a talking doll), and the bike started to swell between my thighs. When we got it inflated it felt real. Solid. Steel,rubber, leather. It was a large motorcycle, black, with lots of chrome. And it wouldn't start.
I was crying like a child. Sobbing uncontrolably in my grandpa's strong soft arms. He was shushing me, and trying to comfort me. I was telling him I grew up in the north. That I missed "all this" I called him daddy. And I was awake. And sad.
In real life I'm terrified of motorcycles, and never met either of my Grandfathers. I hope I See this one again, in my dreams.not the motorcycle. Unless I can ride it behind grandpa.
joe said all that