This Is Hamann's Variety Store. It is a large storehouse of happy memories for me. Oh! The toys I got that came from this magical place! Army men by the 100's, toy guns, balsa wood gliders, boardgames, and so much more. School supplies, candy,comic books, you name it, they either had it , or would order it. And every year before Christmas the entire basement was transformed into a child's wonderland of toys. Many of my Christmas dreams came from this place. And the wonderfull thing is, It's still there!! If your ever in my childhood utopia-Praraie du Chien, Wisconsin, look it up. It's on Blackhawk Avenue.
And across the alley from Hamann's Was Pugh's hardware store. They sold Maytag appliances like washing machines, and refrigerators. I used to drag the huge empty boxes home, and play in them until they came apart. They became all manner of things. Forts, submarines, tanks, and ofcource, spaceships. Like most little boys of the early nineteen sixties I was facisnated with anything to do with space. I still am.
I would set the box on it's side, crawl inside ,and Armed with my green, and yellow box of Crayola crayons I drew intricate control pannels on the sides of the box near the back. Then it was time for"lift-off". I would sit with my little back against the back wall of the box, and begin the countdown. "Ten..nine..eight..seven..six..main engine start..five..four..three..ignition sequence start..two..one..I would lean foward, and then lean back with all my weight..Lift-off!!! The box would flip up onto it's bottom leaving me sitting on my back looking up at the wild blue yonder. I was in space!
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