Well we're in the home strech with this project now. Here are the last two songs that are on the album. Cue the chicken(again)1..2..3..4..
SGT. PEPPER'S LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND (reprise)-Written by Paul, and sung by John, Paul, and George. Recorded in studio 1, with work starting on April 1, 1967. Man this tune is a rocker! Anybody that thought the Beatles couldn't rock, hasn't heard this. There is some very hot guitar work going on in this short, but sweet offering. Give it hell George. Ringo kicks some butt on the drums too. The first rock song I ever heard with an orchastra. And like the lyrics say.."It's getting very near the end..."
A DAY IN THE LIFE-Written, and sung by Lennon, and McCartney. With recording begining in studio 2 on January 19, 1967. I'm crazy about this song for a number of reasons. The song itself for one, it's hauntingly beautiful. John's trippy vocals sound so mysterious, specially the aahhhs. Then there is paul's part in the center..."Woke up, fell outta bed, dragged a comb across my head..." Ringo does some very tasty drums, And that wonderfully psyce-delic symphony! I'm sure George is in the mix somewhere too. He is a great guitarist, and very under-rated in my book.
Another reason it's such a favorite has to do with memories of my teen years in Monterey tenn. This is one of the songs my sister Anna, and I would hear late at night on WLS. It seemed so spooky, and mysterious laying in the dark. I would often "camp out" in the floor of Anna's room. We would listen to the radio, and talk the night away.
This was also one of the songs my buddy,Bobby Baker, and I used to sing. He'd play it on acoustic guitar, and I'd sing lead vocals. I remember many a night, sitting by a campfire, harmonizing those spooky "aahhhhs" at the end of each verse...
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