I had a very vivid, very creepy dream last night. A very X-FILES kind of dream. I couldn't get it off my mind at work. I kept coming back to it. Then I got inspired!
I wrote it all down as if it were a story, and decided to post it here....
The dream went along on two levels at once, and there were two distinct scenes one followed the other. On one level it was as if it were all a movie or something, and I was watching it. Detached from it. And at the same time I was in it. The lead character. Experiencing the terror.
It was on that lonely strech of route one oh one they found the bodies. The hot August night was full of flashing red, and blue emergency lights when I pulled up in my cruiser. And that smell. What in the name of God?
They had covered the heads, and hands with cloths from the ambulence. Or where the heads, and hands had been. Now all that was left were stains on the clothes, where the heads, and hands had been. Some were pale pink-red. Some were a sickly yellow-green.
There were eight of them. Sprawled in the road, and on the shoulder, like melted marionetts with their strings suddenly cut. I stood in this waking nightmare almost knowing.......What?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
He lay on the livingroom sofa, burning with fever, raging, trying desperately to tell us...What? The family was struggling to hold him down, comfort him. Understand.
I stood watching helplessly, my training useless in this.
He began to swell. His arms, legs, face. His torso bulged. he was crimson. His cries were incoherent now as he screamed, and thrashed in the arms of his horrified family.
I fled to the porch. Retreating to the normallacy of the sunlit street, and houses.
"Unit six oh one, city, what is the eta on that bus?" I asked my radio. I could hear the wail of the approaching ambulence amid the crackle of the response.
Then I heard it. That crazy sound. What the....BLUUHH. The screaming ceased. I didn't want to go back in there. I knew what I would see. I wondered if it would be green, or red
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