When I came in the back door I saw that Aunt Jessey was there, and she was mad. But I could also tell she wasn't mad at me. Her tousling my crewcut hair was a dead give away. Her, and Gramma were sitting at the kitchen table. She stood me in front of her, and with her hands on my shoulders, looked me right in the eye.
'Honey what were you doing down at the parts store yesterday?" I was scared. Was I in trouble with the army? Was I not supposed to be around the missle truck? I could see Aunt Jessey was wanted to hear something. She wanted to know I was a good boy. I had to tell the truth.
I stammered that I only wanted to see it up close. That I had told Gramma where I went. I was close to tears.
"And that's all you did?" She asked me. "Be honest honey." In a rush of words I told her about the army trucks going by, and seeing the missle rtruck turn into the parts store. Running down to see it. (I told her I crossed at the light, and looked both ways.) As I finnished I noticed Aunt Jessey relaxing, her eyes smiling.
"And you didn't go anyplace else?" "Were you in mrs. Anderson's yard?"
"Who is MRS. Anderson?" I asked as only the innocent can.
Gramma, and Aunt Jessey exchanged smiles
"I knew he wouldn't." Gramma said confidently. "It isn't in him."
"AWW she's always callin' the law on somebody" Aunt Jessey replied getting to her feet. "Come with me sweety." "We'll straighten this out."
I didn't know what "this" was, but I knew my Aunt Jessey, something was fixing to be straightened out. She took my little hand in hers, and off we went down Marquette road, me taking three steps to every one of her's.
I looked over at the Napa store parking lot as we turned up the walk to the house nextdoor, no missles in the gravel lot now just cars, and dusty old pick ups.
MRS Anderson came to the door. It turned out some neighborhood boys (friends of mine she'd seen me with) had been stealing peaches from her tree in the back yard. Apparently they'ed broken down some of the lower branches in the process. When she saw me in the parking lot around the army truck she had called the police, and reported me as one of the vandals. I was going to have to go to court. I was terrified! I'd heard about juvenile delinquents getting"sent off" in court.
Aunt Jessey went on the offensive. Did she see me looking at the army truck? Yes. Did she see me in her yard..ever? Well no, but she'd seen me with those "Jones boys" before, and they were the very ones tearing up her trees. Did she see me with any peaches, or anywhere near her tree? Well no but_"Jerry tell MRS. Anderson why you were up here yesterday." With big tearfull brown eyes I told her about the army trucks,and the missle,and running down the road to see it, and that I hadn't been in her yard honest.
Both women were smiling down at me when I finnished. They talked for a bit, and we went back to Gramma's. Another phone call was made by MRS. Anderson. I never had to go to court.
To this day it still fills my heart with joy that my favorite aunt had known me so well, and instantly believed me. Never a doubt. I love you Aunt Jessey. I miss you.
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