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I generaly don't feel too compelled to explain my political stance. I pretty much call it as I see it. But lately some of my brothers, and sisters at First United Pentacostal Church have shown some dismay, and chargin over my recent posts, and rebuttals of their posts. Because I love these people dearly, and genuinely care what they think of me I'm making an exception. Here then in a nutshell is why I would rather cough up a hairball, and die than vote for a republican.
My first awarness of anything political came in Prairie du Chein Wisconsin from listening to my fathers reletives argue. The ones with money were all staunch republicans, and the blue collar ones were all democrats. I remember JFK coming to town for a fundraiser at Guisler's Blue Heaven reasturant. My rich aunts n uncles were all.."why that S.O.B. I wish I could tell him a thing or two."
And my mom n dad just wished they could meet him.
I rember them arguing about "veet-nam" My republican relitives were always saying "Kennedy got us into this veetnam mess.", which I thought was weird because even I (A MERE 8 YEAR OLD) knew it was Eisenhowr that put the first boots on the ground in Vietnam. Ofcourse some people never let annoying little things like facts ruin a good rant. I also remember it was my republican reletives fussing, and, and complaining so much about the Beatles hair, that I couldn't enjoy them on Ed Sulivan that historic night. I guess they've always been the Grouchy Old Party.
When my mother's side of the family decided to go forward with their divorce plans it was decided I needed to be fetched down here to Tennessee lest the evil Kolbes hatch some plan to try to keep me. (I had been left with my gramma Kolbe for years, but that's a different post.) The divorce went through uncontested, and shortly there after we moved into the Monterey housing project. Mom worked long hard hours in the Monterey Drycleaners, but it wasn't enough. We had no rent or utilities to speak of, but still a single mother trying to feed, and cloth three children? Thank GOD for the housing projects, comodities, foodstamps, and welfare!! Without them we would have starved. Without them we would have had NO access to even the most basic healthcare. Without them we would have been living in a tarpaper shack with no indoor plumbing. Entitlement programs made my life, and my family's decent.Bearable. ALL of those programs came from democrats. Were defended by democrats. Were under fire from Republicans.
I have been called project trash. Listened to people ranting about "those people" laying on their tush collecting their welfare n foodstamps...BULLCRAP!!! My mother worked her guts out for peanuts. I got my first job at 13 to try to help. I thank God for the politicians that cared more about wether or not I had food to eat, than EXXON'S bottom line.
In the nineteen seventies I met a man who had just retired from thirty-five years at TVA, camping out at Centerhill Lake. We struck up a conversation that eventually led to politics. He explained to me how lobbiests work. How they influence goverment, and which partys are in bed with which lobbys. And he was right. Once I started looking it was easy to see. It didn't take me long to see that as long as the smokestacks were belching, and lots of cash changing hands the republicans were happy. He told me "Son unless you make $50,000.00 or more a year (and remember this was the 70s) you'ed be a fool to vote republican. I NEVER FORGOT THAT.
So there you have it brothers, and sisters. They can wrap themselves in the flag, and preach about the constitution. They can rant about abortion, and homosexuality, all they want to. I know them well. They only worship money, and power. And they are no more moral than the democrats. I AM NOT FOOLED.
SEPT 2010
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