Monday, May 26, 2008

The Cost Of Freedom...

I was leaning on a huey cobra gunship, my head, and shoulders inside the cockpit. The young captain enthusiasticly explaining the displays, and controls. I remarked to him that I had seen detailed pictures of the helicopter while it was still in development, in Aviation Week, And Space Technology magazine, back in the 70's. I asked him if that frustrated him, knowing that our enemies have easy access to the magazine too. He seemed taken back. Like i'd said something profoundly wrong.
"No sir." he said, and gave me a wonderfull glimps inside the mindset of our magnificent young defenders. "Freedom of the press must be maintained in a democracy." "That's what this is all about." And I could see in his eyes he meant every word. That young man Knew, better than me, How precious, and special this country is. And he was ready,willing, and able to stand between it, and any harm. And that is what this day is about. Remembering the thousands of men, and women who have willingly sacrificed their time, their blood, their lives in the defense of The United States Of America.


  1. Good post Joe.
    very positive and to the point..

  2. looking at the BIG picture it is so easy to miss this point. Those men and women out there defending the individual's right to freedom

    amanda briony on 360
