Ok this one goes out for all the dog lovers out there. I'm not a dog lover per say, but I've had some experience with hunting with them, and will admit under pressure to a fondness for beagle hounds.
My good friend Tony Sulivan, and I were out standing on the earthen dam of his farm pond one perfect summer evening drinking a cold beer, and discussing manly things. A young beagle hound came running from the yard circled Tony a couple of times,and curled up at his feet. Tony crushed an empty tossing it into a small pile waiting to be carried back to the house, and cracking open another began a glowing introduction to the happily panting dog.
"This is Jupelo!" He began excitedly. "I just swapped my Daddy for him." "Best damn rabbit dog you ever saw"
He went on to describe in great detail, and passion the many talents of this, the greatest of rabbit dogs. How keenly he smelled them. How eagerly he chased them. His ability to chase them straight to the gun. It was a great monolouge! Tony is a passionate speaker when he warms to his subject. Which is to say always. I love my friend dearly, and i could listen to his down to earth country lore, and tales for hours.
As this one progressed I noticed out of the corner of my eye a rustle in the brush beside the access road on the far side of the dam. Out of the brush hopped a fat brown rabbit! Only I saw him. Tony continued to wax poetic on the skills of his new dog. the object of his compliments lay contentedly at his feet gazing at nothing.
The rabbit hopped totally unconcerned across the road, and out onto the damn. Stopping occassionally as if for effect. He hopped serenely past the three of us. Within inches of the best rabbit dog in the world. Dissapearing into brush on the other side of the damn.I said not a word. Looking at Jupelo. Then at Tony.
We both just fell out laughing! What else could we do? It was soo priceless!
"Hell jerry..." my friend laughed."Didn't you say you were looking for a good rabbit dog?
Jupelo never moved.
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