It climbed into the 90s here in the great state of Tennessee yesterday. It never got any lower than the mid 70s last nite. The weatherwoman's seven day forcast? Sunny, 90s for highs, all week. I can no longer hide from it. Summer is here.
I used to live for summer. No school. Camping,swimming pools(even though i can't swim), and endless days spent roaming deep in the green woods around Monterey. WE would trek the hot sticky asphalt into town every day, maybe two dollars between the three of us, after treats. Running, jumping, playing baseball..Seemingly impervious to the near 100 degree steambath, that is summer in tennessee. That was before air conditioning, and more years than I care to contemplate.
I still love to feel the heat of the sun on my body. I think we are connected to the sun and moon in some primal way. And god I love the lush green splendor of THE woods, and fields! Still bursting with the life giving rains of spring, they almost seem to shout..GREEN!! Our back yard is beautiful. But this is only june.
I know June. It will sneak off into July. July has a few treats I suppose. Uncle Sam has a birthday, and so do I. (His is the one with all the fireworks.) The last few of mine the only person who seemed to notice was my pastor. He and, his wife sent me a card. But by now that huge Bermuda high pressure dome has entrenched itself over the southeast, and as the song says.."the heat is on.." And July eventually fades into August. this is Bad! Bad! I hate August. It just sits there. Nothing happens. Hot blazing day turns into hot steamy night, and the cycle repeats. No rain. No breeze. The nites are oppressive, and still, as if the world were holding it's breath. Waiting for something, anything, to happen.
I can't breathe in that soup that passes for air. I smother in August. Can youy imagine a resturant kitchen this time of year? Ovens, grills, deep fryers..Help!!! I used to just hate it. Now at 56 it is an actual danger. I have to be carefull, and not overdo it. And at the same time not give my bosses the idea I can no longer handle the job. That is a Neat trick.
So I'll leave summer for the kids. They deserve it. They need it to bleed off some of thast energy. Hiking, swiming, camping, Running the woods, and playing baseball. BASEBALL!! I forgot. I knew there was at least one thing I liked about summer. So lets not cue September just yet. Well..unless the airconditioner breaks down.
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