Same stuff different day. Yeah that about sums it up. I adore my Yahoo 360 page. It is precious to me. But it just won't work anymore. yahoo withdrew all tech support, and let a beautifull vibrant community of bloggers, basically die on the vine. A lot of us (me included) will continue to blog there until it dies completely, or the new platform comes online.
But I have a lot to say, and share that I no longer feel I can there, so..HELLO!! I am here. This Joe platform will probably be a little (read lot) more music oriented, and a bit (again, read lot) more opinionated politacally, and socially. But if you are a regular reader of the Joe Mudd page you will recognize the furniture, if not the house. And I will always be the same...emotional rollercoaster.
Proud American. Tree hugger. Christian. Old hippie. A veritable stew of mixed metaphors. A walking dichotmy. Dig in...
I dont blame you for coming here. For some reason my place is in pretty good shape compaired to most. Still...I'm looking for homes too. Right now I'm on 360, MySpace and 180. Ih 360 should survive though...I'll make that my permanent home. It's looking good here Joe.