Does anybody but me have trouble understanding those personals abbreviations? I am totally confused by most of them. It's like Klingon or somthing... Ok here we go" SWF seeks DNA from SWM pdq.....SOS!!!!"
And even when you do start to decifer the singles lingo it just seems scarier. Like..."Chain smoking compulsive masturbater, with delusions of grandeur seeks manic depressive arc welder, with dangling participles." I am soo mundane it seems.
It's been so long since I've dated that mini-skirts have come back in style. The last time I asked a woman out women's lib was going strong, and real ladies were everywhere. Now most of the women I see out smoke cigars,stand up to pee, and fistfight. Their language would peel paint at ten paces, and they have had more sex by the time they were twenty than I've had my whole life.
I don't know. I may be lonely, but I think I'll just stay home and watch the discovery channel. At least I won't get cussed out or beat up.
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